Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First Post Very Exciting

Good afternoon my beauty dolls,

Yay, I'm finally up and running. I'm such a procrastinator but hoping this will keep me on my toes.

I've been wanting to do this blog for some time now. As a makeup junkie and product fanatic I have years of trials and tips and how to's to share. My biggest hobby has always been about the latest and greatest products and trying them out, so why not join in and give my reviews and advice?

As a former Cosmetologist I came across a lot of different products for hair and mostly skin care. I started Cosmetology school after having Glamour Shots done with my mom and step sister (remember those back in the early 90's) and was intrigued by the application of the makeup and hair and now it turned out on the photo so perfect.

I had done my friends makeup and hair, as well as my mom's and Grandma's and anyone who would ask, for different events and dances and would get so caught up doing everyone else I'd run out of time to do my own. But always enjoyed it.

While researching makeup programs to get more education there wasn't really anything out there for just makeup. I was fooled by a cosmetic school by entering their program to learn and become licensed to work with makeup and that would be my dream job. I was shocked on the first day we got a kit of hair brushes, and dryers and curling irons and I saw no makeup brushes or kits. Then we started cutting hair on mannequins and I went with it and thought that we'd get to the makeup part eventually. Well, I asked a few days later when we'd start that part of the program and was informed there really wasn't a program for that this was a Cosmetologist program and I would learn how to cut, color, style, hair. Wax, manicures, pedicures, and etc but no MAKEUP?? Scammed! But realized I really liked the cutting part and was enjoying it so thought I'd stick with the program and ended up finding I actually had a talent for it.

The very first salon I worked for we did makeup for brides and their bridal parties, along with hair of course, as well as for special events. I was the only one at the time that had any real experience and found I built a clientele very quickly and loved every minute of it. If it wasn't for the narcissistic owner who treated us horribly and over priced every service giving us little commission I would've stayed longer. But went on to other things and fell in love and had babies but always did family and friends hair and makeup for events or just a regular cut and color.

So here I am years later with a teenage daughter who also shares my adoration of makeup and different looks and styles and a vast knowledge for cosmetics and skin care. Tips and information all just swirling around in my head so I thought I'd start sharing.

I've been watching YouTube videos of beauty guru's for about a year and keep thinking "I can do that" so I've decided that soon I will be adding a YouTube channel as well and will do different looks using myself as a model but also my beautiful daughter.

So stay tuned and subscribe and join me in my new journey! I'm so excited to do this and please always feel free to ask questions, leave comments or request looks as that is what this blog is about and if I don't know the answer I for sure will find it for you!

XXX, Jeanice


  1. I was 12 yrs old my cousin, who is more like a big sister gave me my 1st facial then taught me how to do it, I was hooked!! She taught me the importance of skin care, little did I know just how much I'd need that because I have Lupus & the butterfly rash that comes with it. I've done a pretty good job at keeping the inflammation down & in part it's because of learning how to take good care of my skin at an early age, she's the bomb!

  2. Cant wait for the youtube channel (:
